
Showing posts from April, 2023

my physical location on 04/30/2023 around 19h40 in Ottawa (I have not gone anywhere yet, just waiting for my flight).

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ottawa Ontario Canada www.m0168.orgg

why this Weekly OCTranspo pass which was still valid for the week April 24 - May 01 got disabled in April 28 of 2023 around 11h30 in Kanata at 407 March Rd Stop bus route 63 bound for Tunney's Pasture.

Why this weekly pass got disabled far away from the down town in Kanata without any prior information. This is very disturbing, luckily I had a unused bus ticket which I used to get out of this unexpected situation.  Happened on April 28 of 2023 around 13h20 at 407 March Rd Kavata Stop at Tim Hortons Location. Could that be due a interference by the bus operator at that time to make it look like disabled or what ??. We need to investigate this incident of valid bus pass failure fully to get to the trouble makers (i.e. the terrorists). I have documented on my website other similar instances when suddenly my bank/debit cards were disable for very small transactions like dollar/ two dollar transactions and without any misue report filed by me to the banks, at the time of  POS pin pad transactions, grocery check out lanes, to create a problem for me and to show to others around watching me do the transactions as if I had done something wrong. Not once or twice but many...

Attention Airlines Please transport me on this flight to DAMMAM from Ottawa posted on April 28 of 2023

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada Please transport me on the following flight as a passenger travelling in Emergency,  issue a plane ticket at zero dollars due to my emergency, I will pay the price of the ticket at destination. Please treat this as urgent. More details about my situation on my website ------------------------------------------------------------ Following Lufthansa airlines Following KLM Following Emirates airlines:

my physical location on April 28 of 2023 around 08h52 in Kanata neighbourhood of Ottawa.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} M01685340561220 Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada

my physical location on April 27 of 2923 around 19h00 in Ottawa

published by  {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada

my physical location on April 26 of 2023 around 18h55 in Ottawa - I have not gone anywhere. I am still in Ottawa since April 03 of 2023, don't believe the lies and deception. If sone one said Khlid Mahmood has gone either they were talking about the future or if they were talking about the present, definitely that would be about another Khalid Mahmood not about me {Khalid Mahmood} who is a male Engineer of 66 plus years of age and lived in North America since 1993 - Cheers.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada.

my physical location on April 27 of 2023 around 10h45 in Ottawa.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada.

what is the meanings of a Fxxk KING - Posted April 26 of 2023 by {Khalid Mahmood} in Ottawa updated May 06 of 2023

During the past 20 years I heard this word "Fxxk King" many times.  people whisper this word (Fxxk King), (Fxxk year) around me but no one talks to me about it, no one tells me what it means. Is it some thing socially unaceptable. I even tried to do some research through libraries in Ontario Canada, but there was no material available on this subject.  Any information will be appreciated. I am 66 plus years of age and by the end of the 2023 I will be of 67 years of age, In my opinion (and by my life experiences), there were some illiterate people who pass around vague and meaningless negative words such as { Fxxk King} or {One of Kind} etc.  for circulation among less knowledgeable segments of the society with malicious intents and to cause/arounse hard feelings (and create scare) among communities against certain people (as a revenge of their own deficiencies and inabilities). Sometimes people talk about things which normally happen as part of life but they use them to e...

my location on April 24 of 2023 around 12h45 at the centre town centre. where I attended a meeting with my case worker this morning at 10h05 came out of the centretown health center around 13h15 to go to Ottawa City Hall by route 14 from Elgin St.

After the meeting of this morning with my social worker at the centre town,  I went to the Shelter for lunch around 11h30 but the line up was so long that it was very discouraging for me to wait for the lunch in the line so I came out and bought my own lunch from the Grocery store. Lunch time is 11:00 to 12:00 but even after half hour past into the lunch at 11h30 line was like never ending line up. Lunch and breakfast is one hour long but the dinner time is only 1/2 hour, I wonder why ??. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada.

my physical location on 04/24/2023 around 09h57 at the centre town Health Centre.

My physical location: After my trip to Kanata this morning. Visited the building where I worked in 1998 for Vienna Systems as Senior Software Engineer, after I left from Krypton Systems and before going to Jubail. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ottawa Ontario Canada.

my physical location on April 24 of 2023 around 08h00 - defeat the deception, don't believe lies.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818

my physical location in Ottawa on April 23 of 2023 around 21h10 near Mission Shelter at 35 Waller St.

(Spent few hours at Carleton University Campus, testing their wifi technology). Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(614)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada 

my physical location in Ottawa on April 23 of 2023 around 20h20

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario Canada.

A Reminder TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN/INTEREST - My height and weight in different units - Posted April 23 of 2023

I am under weight (less than 130 lbs) but I am not overweight as per my weight and height ratio, therefore I do not need to reduce my food intake, rather I must increase my food intake. AND My height in four different units since 1980. (First time ever I needed to know my height was in Karachi in 1980 for my passport to travel to Eindhoven on student visa. I am not sure if my family doctors monitored my height before that, my vaccination was fully monitors on regular basis by my family doctors in Karachi Pakistan.) 165 centimeters equals 65 inches equals 165 centimeters  equals 5 feet and 5 inches (5-5) equals 5.42 feet  (Different units make the numbers look different but physically represent the same size). (exception to this rule is Temperature -40 in C is same as -40 in F) (Where C=Celcius and F=Fahrenheit) Defeat the deceptions, defeat movie like illusions in real human life, dont be fooled by conartists, swindlers and crooks. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-081...

My observations on OCtranspo buses and O-Trains - Doors not aligning with the markings on platforms, meaning not stopping at the precise location. Why ?? could this be a sign of trouble. Posted April 23 of 2023 (Note: O-Train in Ottawa is comparable to Street cars of Toronto, just more capacity and more frequent, better than Street cars. But is not comparable with via rail or bullet trains).

Recently it was observed twice (on 04/24/2023 and once few days before) on OCTranspo bus that people behind me entering the bus appear to be very impatient or under some kind of a pressure that they put their fare card on the machine before I complete my transaction which disrupts my transaction at the fare machine. It happened twice. Few days ago at the Hurdman Station on route 97 in the evening perhaps around 19h00 and on 04/24/2023 on bus route #6 towards Billings Bridge around 19h00. This behaviour is very strange. Why they do this. ?? O-train (a service provided by OCTranspo) in Ottawa not aligning with the markings on the platforms. Picture taken from inside with doors open. O-train (a service provided by OCTranspo) in Ottawa not aligning with the markings on the platforms. Picture taken from outside with doors closed. O-train (a service provided by OCTranspo) in Ottawa not aligning with the markings on the platforms. Picture taken from outside...

Swimming pool where my eldest son Ahsan Started taking swimming lessons in 1996/1997

I used to drive him to the facility and use watch him in the pool in addition to the instructor. I used to sit in one of these white chairs. Published by  {Khalid Mahmood} Ottawa Ontario Canada (613)917-0818 M01684340561220

mcDonald's Billing's bridge food court upper floor location - coffee receipt dated April 21 of 2023

Published by: {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818

attention Google support why their was no receipt sent to my email for to this mobile order (a small size Earl grey Tea). what happened to the receipt.thanks I got it but a bit delayed compared to usual.

Please look into the receipt issue immediately. Thanks, Published by {Khalid Mahmood}

my physicalocation cal location on Aptil 20 of 2023 around 11h50 after meeting with my OW case worker around 09 - 10 am in Ottawa

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(613)927-0818 Ottawa

frequent evictions, eviction after eviction, despite my clear housing needs as was noted at the Shelter intake paper work work in Hamilton on June 20 of 2022

Housing needs assessment document completed at the time of intake in June 2022 Link to the second eviction. in less than a year. Is that why Shelter did not issue me plane ticket in June 2022 for the second time eviction in Brampton in February 2023 on Family Day weekend 2023. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(613)917-0818 www

Ottawa Public Library I have paid 20 cents to staff at the lower level on April 18 of 2023 around 11h30 am but the library card still show as balance owing. Please fix it. receipt attached below.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818

misc thoughts on April 17 of 2023 Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)917-0818 35 Waller St. Ottawa Ontario K1N7G4 Canada

my physical location on Monday April 17 of 2023 around 12h53

Published by {Khalid Mhmood} Ph:(613)917 0818 35 Waller St. Ottawa Ontario K1N7G4 Canada 

attention: Bob Callahan Senior Centre in Brampton Ontario Published by {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(613)917-0818

my physical location on April 16 of 2023 around 13h15

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(613)917-0818 Ottawa Ontario 

Information dated April 13 of 2023 Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590 // (613)917-0881 35 Waller St., Ottawa ON K1N7G4 Canada

my physical location on April 13 of 2023 around 09h30

Mission Ottawa 35 Waller St. Downtown Ottawa, Ontario - K1N 7G4 2899906590 New app Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590

attention KLM, Please transport me on the following OW Flight from Ottawa to Dammam as a human in Emergency situation, follow the emergency procedures to transport me. A message Posted on April 12 of 2023 by a victim of crime {Khalid Mahmood} in Ottawa Canada.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590 35 Waller St., Ottawa ON K1N7G4 Canada.

memories from the past when I lived in Ottawa. my contributions to the Amnesty Intl. in Ottawa.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(288)990-6590 // (613)927-0818 35 Waller St., Ottawa ON K1N7G4 Canada