My observations on OCtranspo buses and O-Trains - Doors not aligning with the markings on platforms, meaning not stopping at the precise location. Why ?? could this be a sign of trouble. Posted April 23 of 2023 (Note: O-Train in Ottawa is comparable to Street cars of Toronto, just more capacity and more frequent, better than Street cars. But is not comparable with via rail or bullet trains).

Recently it was observed twice (on 04/24/2023 and once few days before) on OCTranspo bus that people behind me entering the bus appear to be very impatient or under some kind of a pressure that they put their fare card on the machine before I complete my transaction which disrupts my transaction at the fare machine. It happened twice. Few days ago at the Hurdman Station on route 97 in the evening perhaps around 19h00 and on 04/24/2023 on bus route #6 towards Billings Bridge around 19h00.
This behaviour is very strange. Why they do this. ??

O-train (a service provided by OCTranspo) in Ottawa not aligning with the markings on the platforms. Picture taken from inside with doors open.

O-train (a service provided by OCTranspo) in Ottawa not aligning with the markings on the platforms. Picture taken from outside with doors closed.

O-train (a service provided by OCTranspo) in Ottawa not aligning with the markings on the platforms. Picture taken from outside the train with doors open.

(Some of the O-Trains were seen aligning with the markings on the platforms near the St. Laurent mall, but not all, precision stopping issue with other O-Trains perhaps , OCtranspo should look into more closely.).


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