
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reduction in incentive (discount on full fare) on using Presto Fare card on HSR transit in Hamilton.

HSR fare for Presto fare card users was $2.50, but recently it was noticed that HSR was charging $2.55 (started perhaps some time in September). This $0.05 increase in presto fare is a decrease in the incentive that HSR users get when they use presto fare card. Cash fare is $3.25.

who did it and why ??

published by the undersigned: KHALID MAHMOOD ( 2-671 Fennell Ave. East (Suite 2 with curtain on the upper Floor)  Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada

Elections 2021 in Canada


An impressive feature of Android 10 but with a little bug - Attention Android programmers

I would say it is impressive that Android 10 can detect the langauge used (or the characters typed) and adjusts orientation accordingly. I was originally named as " خالدمحمود " and phonetically I translate it as "KHALID MAHMOOD". I filled my name profile in google contacts, in the phone's local database and on google messages app in details. So I typed my name in its original language "خالد" in first name and "محمود" in last name field. and it displayd it in correct orientation as "خالدمحمود", in the phonetic name I filled "KHALID" as my first name and "MAHMOOD" as my last name but it does not display it in correct orientation of english language. Perhaps the programners forgot to detect the language in phonetic name field and display accordingly. However I found a solution and I used a comma in my phonetically last name field and it shows it correctly.  But there is a bug, it should change the orientation by its

An observation regarding visible security presence in Retail businesses in Hamilton Ontario

I have been observing this for the past several years (4.5 years) since I live in Hamilton that retail businesses in the area use uniformed guards at the entrances such as Walmart, Value Village etc. I would consider this unusual because when I used to work at Sears (Canada and USA) or and other retail chain stores (or even as customer) , security in normal clothes was used to monitor sales floor/merchandise remotely from somewhere in the back of the store called Assett Protection/Loss prevention using CCTV. Security used to come out if theft was detected, even than in normal clothes, no uniformed guards were used. So what is this culture of using uniformed guards in retail businesses or libraries and why ? Is it to scare users of these places or to make them feel more protected. Published by the undersigned: KHALID MAHMOOD ( Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3

ATTN: NORTON - I am not a subscriber to your Services - nothing to expire - Cheers!!

I am not a subscriber of your services sonnothing to expire. why the following mesaage was sent to me. - - Phublished by the undersigned: KHALID MAHMOOD (KM) Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3

Attention: Hamilton City Hall Human Resources

Published by the undersigned: KHALID MAHMOOD (KM)  Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3 Email:

Contact tracing on labour day weekend

This fast food location is still doing contact tracing where as most restaurants have changed rules for Dine In customers. Cash register at this location is better than other retail businesses because it clearly shows rounding if paid by cash. Published by undersigned: KHALID MAHMOOD ( Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3 (289)990-6590

ATTN : HR or web master or on line/e-recruitment September 06 of 2021 from Hamilton Ontario Canada.

On line application form has a bug or some kind of issue, country drop down list is not functioning properly. please check. Published by underdigned: KHALID MAHMOOD ( +1(289)990-6590 Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3