misc thoughts about using some one else's life to get ahead in life. dated December 18 of 2024 in Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2 updated on December 20

Unacceptable in modern civilized age. This is against the intellectual property and all other laws. Definitely, some kind of ancient killing rituals and techniques from dark ages. Just fancy words to commit crimes under the disguise of these words such as life coaches etc. Without going through a process people do not become worthy of certain privileges and rights.

People not capable to go through a certain process must come down to their natural level and live a honest life according to their natural tendencies rather mimic some one else, false well being and false status is not forever. 

Humanity benefits from other's work such as inventions, examples telecommunications, travel, energy/electricity. But every one who benefits from it pays a price for these inventions delivered to them as services and products. This was not using some one's else life. Getting ahead in life based on and because of natural tendencies and abilities, is a more stable method to get ahead in life than the artificial methods or to use someone else's life which is a crime under cover by making a fool of positions of powers and authorities.

It is a serious crime and fraud to claim other's work and inventions, violation of intellectual property laws. When people need some one else's work for their existence they make an effort to make alliances (friendship) and partnership etc but do not pirate others life and work under the notion of .............
And if due to ego and pride it is difficult to make such arrangements than come down and live a honest life according to natural tendencies and abilities.  

What difference would it make if some one was new in a place, who determines it, what is the legitimate method to determine if some one was new, if all the communities in a country or in a city  become transient communities where there were no long term senior residents than new comers or illegals will take advantage of the situations and start lying and chasing the senior people. For new arrivals every one will be a new face and a new person. So there should be some logic in determining such things. IDs and Govt. records are a method to determine some one's seniority in a place, but if corrupted and dishonest people start questioning IDs, records etc than it becomes a serious matter, that who has a right to live and who does not.
Large number of people with common malcious goals lying collectively in harmony and synchronization with sugar coated meaning less words such as "using some one's life to get ahead" against certain people is a serious matter and must be stopped. 

Live a honest and humble life.

Published by:

Engr. {(male) KhalidMahmood}
Ontario DL#: M01684340561220
Primary Contact:(613)413-9812
1909 Russell Rd, Apt 307
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2 


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