About behaviours, Good and bad ??

During my residency in Ottawa many years ago,  someone asked me "are you behaving". I asked him in my response "if you explain to me what you mean by behaving, I will tell you, wether I was behaving or not". He had no response to it and I walked away from the situation.

I wonder if there is any absolute definition of good/bad behaviour.

In my opinion adult and children behaviour in a specific environment would differ drastically i.e. expectations from adults and children behaviour would be different under same environments.

A person's behaviour should be adjustable according to the environments and culture. What is considered good behaviour or acceptable behaviour in one culture or region may be interpreted just opposite in another region of the world or culture or situation.

Bahaviour in a school setting, or at home, during shipping, in a church, in a mosque, in a club, in a stadium are all require different behaviour from adults and children.

There is no good or bad behaviour. It is the adaptability (or ability to tailor behaviour according to the context) to exhibit the relevant behaviour is important. Behaviour in a church and in a strip club can not be the same as an example. 

Depends on who is judging who, and what is the agenda behind it. It is about interpretations of someone's actions , which should be done in the proper context and with proper age group among other things with it.

Published by the undersigned:


خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا



2-671 Fennell Ave. East,

(Door#: 2 on the upper Floor)

Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada

(correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3).

Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 57 months in January 2022 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.)

A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.


TechnicalArmy said…
Address of Hamilton is no longer valid, as of July 222 of 2022 I live in Brampton and as of December 01 of 2022 my address is 10 Conover Crt, Brampton Ontario L6Y3J5.
My phone # (289)990-6590 and email addresses remain the same.

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