During my residency in Ottawa many years ago, someone asked me "are you behaving". I asked him in my response "if you explain to me what you mean by behaving, I will tell you, wether I was behaving or not". He had no response to it and I walked away from the situation. I wonder if there is any absolute definition of good/bad behaviour. In my opinion adult and children behaviour in a specific environment would differ drastically i.e. expectations from adults and children behaviour would be different under same environments. A person's behaviour should be adjustable according to the environments and culture. What is considered good behaviour or acceptable behaviour in one culture or region may be interpreted just opposite in another region of the world or culture or situation. Bahaviour in a school setting, or at home, during shipping, in a church, in a mosque, in a club, in a stadium are all require different behaviour from adults and children. There is no good ...
Don't believe liar's lies. I am not hiding, I am a rent paying monthly tenant in this building VIA apartments #504 since May 02, which briefly overlapped with my previous apartment 301 on 3rd street nearby about 15 minutes walk from here. I am NOT (absolutely NOT) hiding, I never have. There was no need, no reason for me to go in the hiding. Most likely impostors who were using a name {Khalid Mahmood} which links to me because of IDs were hiding. So opposite interpretation to misguid others (like in politics) would be to say {Khalid Mahmood} was hiding. No, never. I am not in cat and mouse game, i.e. when the cat comes mouse goes in the hiding. I wrote about it earlier as well when I was in Canada. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:+966(59)641-3319 VIA apartments #504, right across from Restaurant Alrawazin Heritage Village مطعم قرية الروازن التراثية Alkhobar Saudi Arabia 34446. www.m0168.org
When some one says "believe me", "believe him/her", "believe them" etc. may only apply to limited kind of situations, not to every situation, it has a limited and logical scope. Such as a religious scholar may be believed in religious and spiritual matters only (depending on personal choices) but should not be believed in legal and personal matters. Similarly a position of power or a political person may be believed only in certain policy matters (depending on personal choices) but not in every matter of life, has a limited scope which applies to matters of their own domain but not every other matter. Similarly Doctors can be believed for health and medical matters. Some times when people want, have the choice to seek more than one professionals opinion or advice instead of believing only one professional. This notion of believe (or beliefs) has a limited scope and can not be applied universally to every matter of life. Little children have a habit to lie ...