use of Mr. with first names in Eastern countries and use of Mr. with family names in western countries (as per the local customs and routines) as illustrated by the screens shown below. Travel industry should make a standard to make names consistent and use Mr. with full names only. posted on May 05 of 2024. updated on May 07 of 2024.

For the same person {i.e. Khalid Mahmood} two different methods to address. Which is NOT acceptable.

Industry should make rules and an effort to make names consistent and use Mr. With complete names for clarity.

This discrepancy/ambiguity was not observed in the travel industry when I used to travel in the past in 80's, although this method of Mr. with first name and Mr. with the family for the same person name existed in the past as well.

Travel industry should always use Mr. with full names (and consistent names), other wise some people might interpret this as two different individuals and may result in legal complications in less tolerant and less educated communities.

I am happy Saudi Airlines is using full names, I have traveled on Saudi Airlines before in 80s and 90s.

KLM and Air France also use full names on the cards.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
VIA apartments #504,
Opposite Starbucks, Golden Bujari and Alrajhi bank.
Alkhobar Saudi Arabia 34446.


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