misc thoughts about countering (i.e. tit for tat), the truth and facts. Posted on May 25 of 2024 updated May 28 of 2024

One of the words used to oppose or retaliate is "to counter". This terminology is used in specific circles among people of certain level and ideology who try to counter arguments with retaliatory steps, who try to counter facts/truth with an opposing opinion or action to the common people. If the techniques of countering were used against or in matters with position of power, or among politicians, or against policies matters, than it will make sense, but when such techniques were used against ordinary and powerless people than it becomes questionable and human rights matter due to malicious intents behind such techniques. They just try to counter every thing instead of resolving the issues, believing that problem will disappear by itself if you sit on (deferred) the problem for a long time. But the wisdom would be to believe that you can not live longer than the truth. People in position of power and influence have the means and resources to counter anything, but they should exercise their powers in extreme situations and where it was appropriate to do so, not at ordinary powerless commoners. In other words, to my understanding,  these countering techniques are just to show one up manship (i.e. for the satisfaction of egos). If such people use their strength and counter at par or at equal level of opponent it would make sense. But powerful govt. agencies of power ful or not so power ful countries playing tit for tat with powerless ordinary people is human rights matter and does not match with their caliber.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
Apt 504 at VIA apartments,
75QQplus XG Alkhobar Saudi Arabia 34446


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