my views and thoughts on the words "believe me, believe us, believe them, beleive him/her etc." posted on February 16 of 2024

When some one says "believe me", "believe him/her", "believe them" etc. may only apply to limited kind of situations, not to every situation, it has a limited and logical scope. Such as a religious scholar may be believed in religious and spiritual matters only (depending on personal choices) but should not be believed in legal and personal matters.

Similarly a position of power or a political person may be believed only in certain policy matters (depending on personal choices) but not in every matter of life, has a limited scope which applies to matters of their own domain but not every other matter. Similarly Doctors can be believed for health and medical matters. Some times when people want, have the choice to seek more than one professionals opinion or advice instead of believing only one professional.

This notion of believe (or beliefs) has a limited scope and can not be applied universally to every matter of life.

Little children have a habit to lie and have vivid imagination when it comes to lies, so teachers in school and parents allow them to lie. But as they grow need to be guided when it is ok to lie and when it is not. For Example, if a person lies about his skills or age to get an employment may be acceptable because no one else will be impacted (generally speaking) because as a child it was allowed. But if the person lies to stop another person from getting employment, would be unacceptable and should not be covered by allowed to lie notion. It is about intents behind lies. So lies is not a crime but malicious intentions behind lies are questionable.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
1909 Russell Rd, Apt 307,
OTTAWA Ontario Canada K1G3P2


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