one more fire alarm in this building 1909 Russell Rd around ,16h40 on Jan 28 of 2024

Almost monthly fire alarm practice in this building since I live here (August 01 of 2023, lease was signed on July 28 of 2023 in the presence of two witnesses).
This is very unusual.
OCH Ottawa community housing should look into the root cause of it. It is inconvenient for seniors to go out of the building in cold weather. This is a seniors building. Unimaginable to have this event on monthly basis where seniors live. Perhaps even student housings do not get so frequent for alarms.
When I lived in USA before 2005, it was only once that I heard such fire alarm in the housing and only once at place of work. Never again . 
But in Ottawa, in this Building this a monthly activity, perhaps due to the Fire departments training centre in the neighbourhood at 900 Industrial. Is fire department using this building for training their new hires.
When I came back to the building by 17h45, fire trucks were not around the building and there was no sign of fire.

I called the OCH to find out about this fire alarm incident, I was told fire department would know about the cause of it. 

So if there was no fire in the building which should trigger the fire alarms, than it must be due to human intervention to sound the alarms so frequently. 

This Building 1909 Russell Rd., seems to be similar to the building in Hamilton at Fennell Ave. E. where I lived before, i.e. Frequent alarms, as if these alarms were being used for some kind of signalling or altering for specific purpose. This Building is bigger than the one in the Hamilton but same frequent sounding of fire alarms.

Published by

{Khalid Mahmood}
1909 Russell Rd, apt 307
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2


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