McDonald's unreliable delivery service, experienced more than one time. posted January 20 of 2024 around 18h00 updated January January 23 of 2024

This happened while Bingo was in progress in the lounge and there were other people in the the lobby.
Was it done intentionally or to provoke as bullyism.
How can this be a mistake.

I placed the order around 16h45 and expected delivery time was 17h10, I came out of the building after 18h00 through the lounge while people were playing Bingo. I asked them if it was mobile casino (like mobile library), a man said this was disturbing the game, so I left. They did not like to talk to me. 
Dishonest and crook people do not have the courteously and honesty to deliver to the rightful owner.
I spoke to a man in wheel chair if there was any delivery for me, he confirmed that some one took it.
I was told to call them so they will send more food. I did not. Because McDonald's fast food restaurant is a business, not a charity to supply food without paying. I guess that was an attempt to recruit me for the theft ring, which I declined.

Since I live in my apartment by myself (single occupancy no spouse or roommate), if I go to the lobby to receive the delivery, there will be no one in the apartment, and some one might go upstairs, knock on the apartment door and because of no response might say no one was there. Therefore it is common sense that delivery should be made to the apartment door not the lobby door.

Published by
1909 Russell Rd, Apt 307
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2


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