update on panicky situation in and around the building 1909 Russell Rd., due to fire on the 5th floor in the building around 17h45 on November 07 of 2023, lasted for about two hours. November 08 of 2023 around 01h30

A loud Fire alarm was heard which was turned on around 17h45 (slightly before dinner time for most people in this part of the world), immediately I picked up my bag went out doors through the side B door, a woman was seen getting in a car rushingly which was waiting for her, car left, from the front side of the building outdoors, I saw lot of people in the lobby, so I entered to hear what was going on, I heard some one and a tenant Ms Barb say fire on the fifth floor, I went outdoors again, I saw lot of smoke coming out on the A side of the building,  fire trucks, police cars and other emergency vehicles arrived on the scene within few minutes, I spoke to few people before taking a bus route 46 around 18h00 out of the panicky situation, went to Hurdman Station and took rout 42 to go towards the back side of the building to see if there was any sign of fire or
When I walked back to the building it was a scene never seen before, street was full of emergency vehicles all the way from Demsey community centre to the Smyth Rd traffic light.
It was so congested that I decided not go towards the building and went to the library for an hour or so.
When every thing cleard up, entered my apartment 307 on the third floor which is just two levels above the lobby. Went to the grocery store Independent, bought a bottle of water and a USB cable, and returned to my apartment 307 safely, there was a puddle of water seen (like man made flood for some reason) as I attempted to turn left in the lobby towards B side stairs to go upstairs, because there were people waiting in front of the elevator, to avoid the puddle of water I used the A side stairs to get to my apartment 307.  At entrance doors were open, side door A was seen open as well, a man Mr Brian was seen doing something bending towards the floor in his wototized wheel chair. Immediately after entering my apartment, I called the Ottawa community Housing phone line between 20h00 and 21h00 hours to find out about this situation if there was any precaution to observe or any emergency measures, Person (OCH staff) who answered my call said it was all cleared and I was good to go.

November 08 of 2023: fire alarm again around 05h00 am in the building, somewhere in the garbage room as was said by Barb.

I moved in this building 1909 Russell Rd., as of August 01 odlf 2023 after signing the lease on July 28 with the help of housing worker of a shelter in Ottawa.
Since August 01 this was the third time that fire alarms sounded. Once In August 2023 and twice in November 2023 i.e. Nov 07 at night time and Nov 08 early morning 5 AM. 
This is not a normal situation.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
1909 Russell Rd, apt 307,
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2


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