{Khalid Mahmood}'s physical location in Ottawa around 13h00 on November 26 of 2023 at Kelsey's in Ottawa for lunch. Don't believe liar's lies, I have not gone anywhere, I am in town in Ottawa, I can be spotted around in Ottawa. my residential address is still the same as was on my ID since August 01 of 2023.

This is located near Walmart and loblaws.
I used to shop here since early 1996 with Imrana and my three off springs {Ahsan Mahmood, Sana Mahmood and Bilal Mahmood} used to drive them around in white Pontiac Grand AM. We used to shop for grocery, car maintenance and other necessities at Walmart, Globo, winners, staples etc. Loblaws used to have a travelling agent and a banking shop for PC financials.
This area was newly developed around early 1996.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
1909 Russell Rd, Apt 307 
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2


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