memories from the past published on September 09 of 2023 in Ottawa Ontario Canada by {KHALID MAHMOOD}.

TD Canada Trust branch located at Bank and Hunt Club where I used to operate my account during lunch or off hours when I worked at Krypton Systems Thurston Drive in Ottawa in 1996. There were other staff members of the same company who used this branch, I used to see them in the lineup behind me some times.

Following pictures taken on September 09 of 2023 around 18h00 are the surroundings of the building where Hertz car rental was located at 2600 Bank street, I used to work at this location of Hertz as Surgenor Staff in 2011.

Trimming the grass was one of my additional duties when there were no cars to prepare for rental. I used to keep grass trimmed and nice looking, (I was not a landscaping company), looks like that now no one was looking after the visuals of this place.

Following picture shows the trunk of the tree at Ottawa Trainyards that has lot of honey bee Hives and lot of honey bees. So be careful when waiting at the stop.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
1909 Russell Rd., Apt #307
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2


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