A nuisance louding yelling, shouting and threatening person was in the bunk bed 257 across from my bed on May 05 of 2023

Around 14h16: There was a loud noisy person in the room, threatening people to kill, slice them etc. Surviving in the bushes etc. A lot meaning less words he uttered perhaps to get the attention of some of someone, he also mentioned about next round in half hours. He started yelling and shouting because some one in one of beds was snorting loudly. A knife was seen in his hand in early hours of the morning before I came downstairs to the TV hall around 05h50 AM. I stepped out of shelter around 06h00 and went back in around 11h30 to see if housing worker was available or not.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
On May 06 of 2023 around 14h16


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