misc thoughts on March 21 of 2023 updated Rememberance Day 2023 and December 03 of 2023

Those who make use of the phrase "you should or they believe us" (i.e. lies or unreliable information) or "you/they should believe me", should be reminded that this was applicable in political, or policy matters and similar misc administrative situations but not in Legal situations, where this kind of lies or believes can result in legal complications or impact others rights. So this phrase "you should or they believe us" (i.e. lies or unreliable infirmation) or "you should believe me" has a scope, where it should be used or when it should be used.
People might make use of this phrase "you should or they should believe us" (i.e. lies or unreliable infirmation) or "you/they should believe me", to come out of a difficult situation such as when making a promise for delivering a service etc. Or children should always believe parents etc. But in legal situations this phrase will be and can be challenged because no one is above the law.

More on the followings link:

Three letters initials N.E.D. of the university in Karachi which granted/issued to me Engineering degree six years (i.e. 1986) after completing the education in 1980 sounds like knee dee, I heard some people around me say it like that, perhaps it was more difficult and not fluent for them to say three letters so they say it like two syllables word phonetically "knee dee".

{Khalid Mahmood}
Ottawa Canada.


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