important message about mega bus service at Union station in Toronto on March 04 of 2023 morning departures.

Megabus unacceptable service, Ottawa bus did not show up for 08h15 departure, I approached the conuter to find out sge said it will be late. Board was showing 08h30 and suddenly it disappeared. Some kind of maneuvering in not showing the Ottawa bus at the correct gate (9) as was displayed on the screen. Very strange and questionable to not provide accurate service. So how reliable is Megabus service. Megabus did not show up at door #9 rather a coach Canada bus showed up at the door #9 to off load passengers and did not board any passengers from door #9. The ticketing clerk changed my itinerary to depart by the next bus,
A mega bus was loading for Montreal on gate #:10. I asked the driver to let me board for Montreal he did agree, so I approached ticketing clerkof mega bus who altered my itinerary and stamped on the ticket for the next bus.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}


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