Municipal Elections 2022 in Brampton and my missing registration card.
as of today October 24 of 2022 Shelter staff did not give me the voters registration card I was told by the city hall staff that a registration card will be mailed. Perhaps they are holding it or gave it to some one else.
Some one should track this card from Brampton City hall to see who will use it or what was done with it.
My letters (and other pieces if mail) have been missing and stolen at other locations as well. That's why I proposed to Canada Post that they should encode the address with QR codes on the envelopes so that such people can't see what to steal or whose letter to steal. That will require additional equipment and expertise to determine the contents of to the envelopes. Petty or seasoned low level thieves/criminals will not have such expertise because of their own limitations not because somebody stopped or prevented them. Such people will not have the ability to understand.
October 24 of 2022
published by
Khalid Mahmood