A clarification about living in Brampton since July 22 of 2022 after a conversation with a Brampton community Legal Clinic Lawayer - People should try to make efforts to understand my reasoning behind what I am doing, instead of making theoratical assumptions or rumours/gossip talk etc. Posted 09/21/2022

(P.S: I have no interest in public shelters, I am a professional and highly qualified engineer. I am in shelter because of a housing emergency, and I have no parents house in Canada. I grew up in a loving, caring family home environments not in public shelter homes, there was no public shelter system at that time, and children don't runaway to escape from golden prison of home, prisons are shelters as well.).

(On OW statement rent amount is listed as shelter cost , not  for a public shelter, rather  for a private  rented place)

A Brampton (North Peel) community Legal Clinic Lawyer said something similar to shelter hopping (or changing shelters) on 09/20/2022 around noon time when I was at 41 George BEC.

My residence of over five years was at 2-671 Fennell Ave. East in Hamilton was illegally occupied after forced break in on June 19 around 08h15 am. Which led me to seek shelter in Hamilton at 94 York Blvd after consulting with several agencies in Hamilton due to housing emergency.
Shelter at 94 York Blvd had some issues which started by the end of July and on July 22, I was told shelter was full, they had some issues with food supplies as well. Due to this I contacted 211 provincial service. This service referred me to Dundas East shelter and Dundas East shelter referred me to Wilkinson Rd shelter in Brampton after phone intake. So I am in Brampton at a shelter due to housing emergency in Hamilton which started on June 19 of 2022 and still is not over. My residence of over years was gone in few minutes, a equivalent place was not provided to me here in Brampton.
I am not hopping shelters.I am a victim of illegal occupation of my residence of over five years in Hamilton Ontario. No one looks at this point of illegal occupation. They just talk about shelters, and shelter hoping or drifter etc. all negative interpretations of my situation, instead of improving human lives by positive thinking.

Something to think about, legal system should be unbiased and should not depend on gossipy information or vested interests/lobbyists. Blind folded person holding a balance (a symbol of justice has become forgotten symbol) should be promoted again to induce neutrality and transparency in the legal system, legal system's decisions/opinions should not be based on vested interests of stake holders.

Published by
{Khalid Mahmood}
15 Wilkinson Rd, Brampton Ontario L6T4X1.


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