Whether some one was new at an address or Not, what difference would it make ??

What difference would it make wether I was a new person at an address or not, specially when I am a non - criminal highly educated person of age 65,  declared unwanted by the Niagara Region Police many years ago (meaning I was a non-criminal),  I am not hiding, I never learned hiding methods, not even as a child because my parents did not allow me to play with bad kids in my childhood in the street. I am not an absconder from anywhere, there is no legal search set on me to locate me, because I have my valid Govt. Issued ID and always live at my ID address. People can located me easily at my ID address for legal reasons of and when required. I am not involved in any criminal activity. So what difference would it make. 

(Perhaps just to make a fool of simple minded naive people to benefit from it. Perhaps,  who knows it.

Something to think about.

Gosssips, rumours and negativity should not prevail and must not be allowed to impact people's basic freedom and rights.


Published by the undersigned:


خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا



2-671 Fennell Ave. East,

(Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor)

Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada

(correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3).

Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 57 months in January 2022 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.)

A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.


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