Discovery (accidental but interesting and usefull) about usbc_ charging/data cables

Recently it was discovered that original full length usbc_ charging/data cables manufactured by companies such as Motorola and Philips do not charge Android 10 phones. Battery screen under setting shows a message that "plugged in but can't charge right now". So the phone detected the cable that it was connected. But did not charge. It was very strange for me.
So I decided to manufacture my own short length usbc_ charging (only charging,  no data)  cables like jumper cables and interesting enough it starts charging just fine right away. I made two cables about 6-8 inch long and both worked fine.

I have not used these cables for data/sync because I have no such need at present, might work for data/sync, but I have no information. My current need was to use these cables for phone charging. These cables do not charge. 

I made my two short cables from my collection of  junk wires and cables stock pile which I did not discard during the past few years, just saved them for some future use and found it was useful.

Perhaps something to do with the cable length or some missing signal it waits for.

Wow, never thought of that one.


Published by the undersigned:


خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا



2-671 Fennell Ave. East,

(Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor)

Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada

(correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3).

Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 56 months in December 2021 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.)

A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.


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