An impressive feature of Android 10 but with a little bug - Attention Android programmers

I would say it is impressive that Android 10 can detect the langauge used (or the characters typed) and adjusts orientation accordingly. I was originally named as "خالدمحمود" and phonetically I translate it as "KHALID MAHMOOD". I filled my name profile in google contacts, in the phone's local database and on google messages app in details. So I typed my name in its original language "خالد" in first name and "محمود" in last name field. and it displayd it in correct orientation as "خالدمحمود", in the phonetic name I filled "KHALID" as my first name and "MAHMOOD" as my last name but it does not display it in correct orientation of english language. Perhaps the programners forgot to detect the language in phonetic name field and display accordingly. However I found a solution and I used a comma in my phonetically last name field and it shows it correctly. 
But there is a bug, it should change the orientation by itself, again after detecting the language of the phonetic name.

Android programmers should look into this and feel free to discuss with me my experience in this matter.

Published by the undersigned,

Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3


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