Stay at home Orders by the Provincial Govt. of Ontario April 08 of 2021 updated April 12 of 2021

Second round of stay at home orders in Ontario since the begining of this year. I am not sure this alert would be considered as an order or just a precautiinary reminder not to forget safety measures during spring break for schools.

I hope word food implies to groceries as well in this alert. Usually food refers to the restaurant prepared take out or eat in cuisines.

(I called 211 for clarification, grocery is essential so is health related activitues and walk etc. Listed activities in the alert is just some guid lines but not limited to only these activities. This is not a cerfew situation. Common sense prevails).

I grew up under such orders imposed by my parents when I lived with my parents in Karachi Pakistsn before leaving for Post Graduate higher education in Eidnhoven in 1981 after completing my Engibeering degree program in Katachi in 1980.
In some cases such orders were issued during curfew times by the local authorities during war times 1965 between Pakistan and a neighbouring Country.

(Social distancing guide lines Poster) - In my opinion Social distancing guide lines already cover to go out for essential avtivities only as shown in the poster above. Busy adults go out only for essentials , have no time to go out for non-essentials, so who is the audience of these stay-at-home orders, perhaps the students. Province should provide a negative list of activities which must be avoided (not just the positive list of allowed activities because it may become too long) to avoide the consequences. But who knows what would be the consequences of violations of the rules unintentionally, I have no information about the consequences. Usually Orders have known consequences, so people who wrote these orders would know the consequences, so they should enhance these alerts to tell about the consequences as well.



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