
Rent amount listed as Shelter Cost on OW statements/stub. Posted 09/24/2022 updates 09/26/2022

Rent amount was listed as Shelter cost on OW Stub/Statement. Shelter cost which was paid to OW recipients on monthly basis does not refer to money payable to public shelters rather it refers to amount of money paid as rent to a landlord. Generally speaking any private place where humans live is some kind of a shelter from something/protection. Example a bus shelter etc. Another reason they call it shelter cost because it provides only basic housing not a fully equipped home, just as a temporary measure. But it does not imply cost for a public shelter, because when someone uses a public shelter due to a housing emergency is not required to pay to the shelter, although one can choose to donate something as a personal choice but not required by law. Rented house is a private shelter not a public shelter. My residence of over five years in Hamilton at 2-671 Fennell Ave. East, Hamilton, Ontario L8V1V3 was my private shelter (or my household) which was operated and managed by myself for myse

Toronto Pearson Job Fair on September 27 of 2022

I will work for the price a ticket to be able to leave immediately from Canada to go back and claim my previous residency In Jubail Saudi Arabia. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 15 Wilkinson Rd, Brampton Ontario L6T4X1

Attention Qatar Airlines , an emergency message posted on 09/24/2022

Qatar Airlines please issue an emergency ticket for me at zero dollars price I want to go back home in Dammam from a shelter in Brampton. I will pay the price of the ticket after I get paid from my contracts work in Dammam Saudi Arabia. Requested by {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 15 Wilkinson Rd, Brampton Ontario L6T4X1

My eligibility has not changed since April 2006, so why they need to determine my eligibility again and again Posted September 24 of 2023

My eligibility has not changed since April 2006, so why they need to determine my eligibility again and again. Published by  {Khalid Mahmood} M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 15 Wilkinson Rd, Brampton, Ontario L6T4X1

Emergency message to Saudi Airlines

Please issue a emergency ticket at zero dollars price due to my emergency. I will pay the ticket price after I get my pay cheque from my contracts work in Dammam Saudi Arabia. Requested by {Khalid Mahmood} in Brampton Ontario at Wilkinson Shelter. Dated September 23 of 2022 Ph:(289)990-6590

Emergency message to Air Canada on September 23 of 2022

Please issue a emergency ticket at zero dollars price due to my emergency. I will pay the ticket price after I get my pay cheque from my contracts work in Dammam Saudi Arabia. Requested by {Khalid Mahmood} in Brampton Ontario at Wilkinson Shelter. Dated September 23 of 2022 Ph:(289)990-6590

A Survey - How many people think this card is credit card and how many people think this is a pre paid debit card. It is surprising to know that everybody has own interpretation about this card and wrong, PC Financials is not doing enough to educate people about it. Posted September 23 of 2022 by {Khalid Mahmood}

This card is just a debit card linked to a chequing account like any chequing account has a debit card linked. But merchants and card holders are not educated enough about it. Grocery stores and some merchants think that this is a credit card. Wrong assumption, wrong answer. President's choice / Loblaws grocery store (the parent or partner company) thinks that this is a pre paid card. Again wrong answer. I was told so by a person at the customer service desk of a grocery store. So, why so much roumers and wrong information around these things. I wonder. Perhaps illiterate people have taken over and creating a chaos in the modern society or trying to sabotage the use of technology, and it's use in every day life. Such lies and efforts to misguide by some influential people can result in legal complications for some other people for, no reason, just to impede their lives and to make it difficult (an already rejected method of governance). This is a dangerous trend on