
Showing posts from January, 2024

one more fire alarm in this building 1909 Russell Rd around ,16h40 on Jan 28 of 2024

Almost monthly fire alarm practice in this building since I live here (August 01 of 2023, lease was signed on July 28 of 2023 in the presence of two witnesses). This is very unusual. OCH Ottawa community housing should look into the root cause of it. It is inconvenient for seniors to go out of the building in cold weather. This is a seniors building. Unimaginable to have this event on monthly basis where seniors live. Perhaps even student housings do not get so frequent for alarms. When I lived in USA before 2005, it was only once that I heard such fire alarm in the housing and only once at place of work. Never again .  But in Ottawa, in this Building this a monthly activity, perhaps due to the Fire departments training centre in the neighbourhood at 900 Industrial. Is fire department using this building for training their new hires. When I came back to the building by 17h45, fire trucks were not around the building and there was no sign of fire. I called the OCH to find out about ...

{KHALID MAHMOOD}'s physical location in Ottawa on January 25 of 2024 around noon time.

******* A message for app builders/developers.   This is a serious matter.   *********  ************ Most of the location apps are showing wrong address for this building. This building is at 1909 Russell Rd, OTTAWA Ontario Canada K1G3P2. They should do re mapping or fix the algorithm to determine the correct addresses in Ottawa and realign the apps with the reality on the ground. ************************************************ Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)413-9812//(289)90-6590 1909 Russell Rd, apt 307, OTTAWA Ontario Canada K1G3P2

McDonald's unreliable delivery service, experienced more than one time. posted January 20 of 2024 around 18h00 updated January January 23 of 2024

This happened while Bingo was in progress in the lounge and there were other people in the the lobby. Was it done intentionally or to provoke as bullyism. How can this be a mistake. I placed the order around 16h45 and expected delivery time was 17h10, I came out of the building after 18h00 through the lounge while people were playing Bingo. I asked them if it was mobile casino (like mobile library), a man said this was disturbing the game, so I left. They did not like to talk to me.  Dishonest and crook people do not have the courteously and honesty to deliver to the rightful owner. I spoke to a man in wheel chair if there was any delivery for me, he confirmed that some one took it. I was told to call them so they will send more food. I did not. Because McDonald's fast food restaurant is a business, not a charity to supply food without paying. I guess that was an attempt to recruit me for the theft ring, which I declined. Since I live in my apartment by myse...

Original male {Khalid Mahmood}'s physical location on January 17 of 2024 around 11h19 in Ottawa at apartment 307.

Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590//(613)413-9812 1909 Russell Rd, apt 307 OTTAWA Ontario Canada K1G3P2

misc uses of empty cans of soups and beans. Posted by {Khalid Mahmood} on January 10 of 2024

I never used a shredder at home in the past i.e. some 30 years ago. And such shreddding services were not available commercially as are available these days. So instead of shredding credit card and other receipts I used to burn them to turn them into ashes instead of disposing off the recipts in the trash, which other people might misuse or steal such receipts.  I used to place these receipts in a empty small can of soup or anything else such as empty can of baby formula etc and burn them to ashes with the help of a cigarette lighter. These empty cans are very useful, Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(613)413-9812 1909 Russell Rd apt 307, Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2

a view of the Russell Rd on January 10 of 2024 around 10h15.

More than one Police vehicles were seen around the building around noon time as well when I stepped outdoors after entering my apartment for few minutes. Published by {KHALID MAHMOOD} 1909 Russell Rd apt 307, Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2

A view of the building 1909 Russell Rd, from back side as was seen from inside the Tim Horton's on January 07 of 2024.

A fire truck was seen on the front side of the building around 15h51 on January 07 of 2024. Firetruck left (towards Hague)  just few minutes after, I took the picture. Published by {Khalid Mahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590//(613)413-9812 1909 Russell Rd., apt # 307 Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2

one more letter seen posted on the entrance glass door on January 05 of 2024. Almost every month one such reminder since August 2023. (Posting updates on January 10 of 2024).

I never heard, never seen so much of fire department's activities in residential places in other places where I lived before migration to  Canada 1993. It was reare to see fire trucks on the street or around the houses. There were no incidents heard of houses or buildings catching fire. This worries me.  Published by {khalid Mahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590//(613)413-9812 1909 Russell Rd., apt 307, Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2.

Baseball Town Domino Store at bank street in Ottawa across from Starbucks and near YMCA posted January 04 of 2024.

This store used to be church affiliated store in 2006 as was seen by me at that time, over the years it has changed. Published by {Khalidahmood} Ph:(289)990-6590//(613)413-9812 1909 Russell Rd, Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2