Posts Published by KM KHALID MAHMOOD ( Hamilton Ontario Canada L8V1V3

Income deceptiom (reproduced from my (precautionary notes on my website

On June 28 of 2021 it was disclosed to me that my CIBC bank profile shows me listed in the bank record as Unemployed with Income which makes no sense. People earn income from business or employment I have none of those sources so it is meaning less. I suggested that bank should add another category as Unemployed with Social assistance to make the profile information truthful and realistic. At present it is very deceptive and misleading to make a fool of those who do not understand the system and due to their simplicity and insufficient back ground believe such lies, form their opinion and make important decisions. I want to mention here that I am not OW staff, any money from OW would be income for OW staff. I am on social assistance delivered by OW in the province of Ontario so any money from OW is not income for me rather it is social assistance payment shown in my bank statement as pay (word payment is longer and takes more space on the statement so short word pay is used instead.)...

Attention: - who is attempting to break into my account - screenshots with necessary information attached below:

Who is this person , breaking into my Facebook account. I have secured my login by code generator so Please do not break in. thanks very much. *******  *******  *******  *******  ******* Published by: KHALID MAHMOOD ( Hamilton Ontario Canada L8V1V3

Please ignore spelling mistakes because .......

Please ignore any spelling mistakes because I have no staff to proof read it, more over my objective is not to show (neither to impress by)  my perfect command on English Language rather it  is just to share / convey the information about what is going on in these retail stores and around me (and document my personal life experiences)  which I used to admire 30/40 years ago. My command on language is perhaps limited to communicate/convey technical matters only being an Engineer. I have no literary proficiency, I did not research literature. My research as well is limited to technical research. My apology to native speakers of this (English) language for any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Sincerely, KHALID MAHMOOD ( Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3 Canada.

Conclusion on recent price deception incidents in Hamilton

Bogus retail mark down signs to make a fool (or trap) people at the checkout cash register. Published by  KHALID MAHMOOD Hamilton Ontario L8V1V3 Canada

Another Price deception - Shelf price $1.29 and register price $2.99 at a nearby grocery store (nearly 2.30 times shelf price)

FRESHCO price deception : more than doubled,  132% markup on shelf price (shelf price already has a markup built into it based on the cost price). Is it some kind of price gouging , what is the reason behind this discrepancy that prices at register are much higher than the shelf prices (or prices displayed on the products). i.e. Best Buy convenience, Walmart and FRESHCO prices during the past ten days or so. Published by KHALID MAHMOOD ( HAMILTON ONTARIO L8V1V3 CANADA

Attn: what is this message - I am not a user of , so why this message was sent to my in box

Published by KHALID MAHMOOD m01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590