
Showing posts from November, 2021

About my electronic resources/assetts such as my domain, my email addresses, my web profiles, my phone etc.

Please beware that my electronic assetts/resources  such as my domain, any of my email addresses based on this domain are my personal assetts/resources, my phone number is my personal assett/resource, does not belong to any organization. Any thing I do in my personal capacity , in my personal time is my personal property and ownership belongs to me only, can not be claimed by any one else or any agency. My ID address where I live for the past 55 months is just my rental residence space/address, I pay rent to live at this address regardless of who uses my receipts because I pay my rent direct to receivers as a deduction from my monthly OW social assistance cheque. Activities and creativity done at a rental space/property does not belong to the owners of the building or rent recievers, like any business setup in a rental space/property does not belong to the management or building owner, Etc. So please be careful and don't be fooled by swindlers, illusionists and con artist...

about Good TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN/INTEREST Published by the undersigned: K HALID  M AHMOOD (KM) (Male) خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 2-671 Fennell Ave. East, (Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor) Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada (correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3). Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 55 months in November 2021 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.) A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.

about manners TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN/INTEREST Published by the undersigned: K HALID  M AHMOOD (KM) (Male) خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 2-671 Fennell Ave. East, (Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor) Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada (correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3). Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 55 months in November 2021 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.) A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.

About Rude or Rood TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN/INTEREST Published by the undersigned: K HALID  M AHMOOD (KM) (Male) خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 2-671 Fennell Ave. East, (Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor) Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada (correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3). Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 55 months in November 2021 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.) A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.

A good news for all the Bads, and very Bads.

You are not the only Bad. Follow the link for details, Also: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN/INTEREST Published by the undersigned: K HALID  M AHMOOD (KM) (Male) خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 2-671 Fennell Ave. East, (Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor) Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada (correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3). Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 55 months in November 2021 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.) A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.

E-ticket QR code works fine on HSR buses, better than presto. it should be made free of operator's interference to make it successful.

Just experienced technology imperfection in this new method of fare payment, which was made public around middle of October of 2021. Reported to HSR as DM on twitter. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN/INTEREST Published by the undersigned: K HALID  M AHMOOD (KM) (Male) خالد محمود ھملٹن اونٹاریو کینیڈا M01684340561220 Ph:(289)990-6590 2-671 Fennell Ave. East, (Door#: 2 with curtain on the upper Floor) Hamilton Ontario L8V 1V3 Canada (correct postal code for my address as assigned by Canada Post is L8V1V3, it is NOT 3J3). Monthly Tenant (in this building since 2017 May – 4.5 years – in October 2021 – I was trapped to rent in such building, I did not ask for this address.) A suggestion to the technical and Engineering Colleges/Universities to include some courses in their programme to prepare graduate students to learn to survive the shock and stress of govt. provided social assistance due to unemployment and unknown reasons, which I was never/not taught.

Some facts and reality of life.

1) There are certain objects in life which can not be and should not be bought and sold absolutely in any form of life under ground or main stream. Such as Objects like educational/training credentials must NOT be bought and sold, either underground or over the ground, should only be owned after earning through a prescribed process (which is long and hard and  consists of daily interaction with similar interests people at various levels of authority and social status, all doing various chores and errands pursuing the same goals at the end, not domestic chores and errands but process related chores and errands on daily basis) to be worthy of it. Which is hard but it is worth it. Money, bribery, black mailing and pampering can not buy creativity, wisdom and discipline, perhaps can hire. Same applies to credit for some ones work. (Exception: Honorary degrees are given / awarded during special ceremony to few exceptional and well established individuals without going through the proces...