
Misc thoughts - scope of various law enforcement and security personnel, in Canada and globally - February 20 of 2025

I wonder if the security and law enforcement personnel operate within their scope of responsibility or if they step over others scope of work and become self appointed vigilantes, for own vested interests, to gain a feather in the cap or to establish false sense of authority. Examples: In my opinion, Canada Post security's scope of responsibility should be with in the postal matters, like mail theft etc. OC transpo security personnel should be interested in transit related matters. Etc.  Housing security personnel should focus on rental or lease related matters in extreme situations only, otherwise tenant's Coordinators or relationship coordinator should look after such matters. Published by Engr. {(male) KhalidMahmood} Ontario DL#: M01684340561220 Phone:1(613)413-9812

my recent observation and a point to Pinder - Published on February 19 of 2025 in Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2

Recently in 2024 I visited Saudi Arabia for few months and when used taxis, I noticed that it was very rare to find a local Saudi taxi driver, most of them were from Asian countries, I assume that same applies to other countries in the area that their taxi drivers were expats from other countries.  In Canada I noticed that there were large number of taxi drivers from Arabic speaking countries, not sure which countries. Perhaps they were not acceptable to drive taxis in their previous countries so they came to Canada to drive taxis but without proper professional training or Canadian experience.  Countries in that part of the world import large number of highly qualified professionals from other countries because of the local shortage in that part of the world.  I was thinking that would it not be better for them to keep their taxi drivers instead of sending their taxi drivers to Canada.  Why only taxi drivers need immigration to Canada, why not qualified professional...


Please do not believe googke chrome browser or search engines browser location at the bottom of the page reached after scrolling several times. I am physically in Ottawa, goohke chrome browser was showing my location in Toronto. To avoid this misleading information I have disabled google chrome browser and search engine, Now I am using yahoo search engine instead. Published by Engr. {(male) KhalidMahmood} Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2 

who wrote this note please call back. thanks,

Published by Engr. {(male) KhalidMahmood} Ontario DL#: M01684340561220 Phon1:(613)413-9812 Phon2:(613)413-9237 Apartment 307 1909 Russell Rd, Ottawa Ontario Canada K1G3P2 

about "sharing" in the context of technology, computers and smart phones. Posted on January 13 of 2025:

Words Nearby sharing in Microsoft Windows and Android phones is used to send and/or receive files among people (as one of the many mechanisms to do so), but word sharing does not mean that people steal contents from the personal cloud storages under the (deliberate and knowing) misunderstading of word "sharing". Word sharing in this context is also used to give limited access to members of a team/group to access certain contents. Work group sharing is entirely different than sharing among social media friends. Sharing does not legalize stealing. Authorized sharing is meant for sharing among members of team and is done on mutual / reciprocal basis, otherwise it is considered stealing and unauthorized and illegal usage. Owner of the contents initiates to "send share" and also is required to accept a "receive share" without this handshake protocol "share" does not take place. Meanings of word "sharing" in the context of technology is diffe...

who can identify the following picture.

Personal bankruptcies (commercial bankruptcies are different) as understood by me after I filed a personal bankruptcy in 2007 in Ottawa Ontario Canada. Updated on January 10 of 2025:

Purpose of personal bankruptcy (commercial bankruptcy is different than the personal bankruptcy) is to get protection from creditors when it becomes impossible to pay credit cards debit. The only acceptable reason for some one not to pay debt is when there was a financial crisis situation such as unemployment, no income etc. Common sense is to liquidate some assets and pay off the debt, if some one was unemployed but had substantial assets. If there were no assets to liquidate to pay for the debt and no monthly income than personal bankruptcy is one of the solutions. Companies specializing in bankruptcy file the paper work in which assets and debt are both declared to show some ones inability to pay the debt. If some one had enough assets, company might ask them to liquidate the assets and pay for the debt. So the bankruptcy is not just to get rid of the debt, rather also to declare the assets to show the inability to pay the debt. In such situations some creditors or collection agenci...